What is Halloween? Hovorí Luis, náš nový lektor
Luis pochádza z Brazílie, ale strávil aj veľa času v Írsku, odkiaľ prišiel priamo k nam do Trnavy. Jednou z jeho prvých aktivít vo Fabričke boli Halloweenske dni. Preto nám napísal pár viet o pôvode Halloweenu, ktorý nepochádza z Ameriky, ako by ste si možno mysleli.
Halloween was last week and many people celebrated it, but do you really know what Halloween is about and where it comes from?
Even though everybody thinks that Halloween is an American tradition with all the trick or treats that we see on TV, Halloween originally started in Ireland, the land of the leprechauns. It was a Celtic festival called Samhain in which the Celts celebrated a very important day, the 1st of November. This day was known as the 1st day of the new year according to the Celtic calendar, the end of summer and the harvest, and also the beginning of the dark and cold winter.
Celts believed that on the last day of the year (31st of October), a portal between the worlds of the living and the dead was open, so ghosts of the dead, witches, and mystic creatures would be able to return to Earth. Most people would stay home praying, and if a witch or ghost knocked on your door, you would have to give them something to eat (treats), so that your house wouldn’t be cursed in the following year (tricks).
On the 1st of November the catholic church celebrates the All Saint’s Day, also called All Hallows Day, and when the catholic church went to Ireland, in order to end this pagan celebration, they decided to call the 31st of October as All Hallows’ Eve, and that’s how the word Halloween was created. It is still a festival celebrated worldwide, but now in a different way.
Zaujímavé že?
5 faktov, ktoré ste (možno) nevedeli o sviatku Halloween
- Halloween je jeden z najstarších sviatkov, ktorý pochádza z územia dnešného Írska, kde ho pred viac ako 6000 rokmi začali sláviť Kelti.
- Typické farby pre Haloween sú oranžová a čierna. Oranžová preto, lebo symbolizuje jesennú žatvu a čierna sa spája s temnotou a smrťou.
- V Amerike je populárnou aktivitou počas Halloweenu pre deti chodenie od domu k domu s koledou Trick-or-Treat, za ktorú dostávajú od dospelých sladkosti.
- V angličtine sa vyrazávaná tekvica nazýva Jack O’ Lantern a najväčšia tekvica, ktorá je zapísaná v Guinessovej knihe rekordov. Vážila takmer 821 kg.
- V Amerike je Halloween druhým najkomerčnejším sviatkom hneď po Vianociach. Americké rodiny míňajú neuveriteľne veľa peňazí na sladkosti, kostýmy a výzdobu.
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